6 eggs, separated into 2 bowls

6 oz (170 g) castor sugar (I use 5 oz –5 ½ oz;140-155g)

6 oz (170 g) chocolate, dark semi-sweet (Club)

3 ½ tablespoons water

Filling: 1 x 300 ml bottle of thickened cream

Oven pre-heat to 375oF (190oC) gas, 400oF (205oC) electric

Melt chocolate in a bowl with water. Stir until smooth. Beat egg whites till glossy and firm (I prefer the egg whites soft peak). Beat yolks with castor sugar till at ribbon stage, add melted chocolate and mix well with metal spoon. Add beaten whites and fold into yolk mixture. Pour mixture into Swiss roll tin, which has been lined with 2 thicknesses of greaseproof paper and brush with melted butter (I use” Gladbake” and skip the butter).

Place in the centre of the oven for approx 25-35 minutes.

Remove from the oven and allow to cool. Turn out onto greaseproof paper scattered with icing sugar and trim all crusts off. Spread with whipped cream. Roll gently with the aide of the paper or tea towel. Sieve icing sugar over the top (don’t worry about the cracks, all roulades crack!)

Best made 8 hours before filling and rolling (this is not necessary as I have made it at the last minute and it is still OK) Can be made 2-3 days in advance.

Creamed roulade freezes well.




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